After a couple of years of scouring ebay we've finally taken the plunge and bought our very own tandem. It's a '97 Dawes Galaxy Twin, with Reynold's steel tubing and Shimano Deore LX derailliers. We picked it up from the seller and managed to squeeze it into the back of our Renault Clio. And here it is!
Included with the bike were Pannier bags a top bag and a handlebar bag.

After getting it home, out of the car and reassembled, we couldn't quite resist a quick ride despite it being pitch black outside. Not being able to see much limited us to cycling up and down the driveway, but have ventured a little further today. We've just about mastered starting off without too much wobble and got into a good rhythm quickly. Having spent only a few hours on a tandem in the past we felt quite proud of ourselves. Cornering however, may take a little more time to master! Had some fun trying out the drag brake, which was really effective and made some the hills a little less scary. Have already started planning some improvements we can make, quite keen to get some leather saddles and maybe some matching bar-tape, and a few adjustments to the position of the handlebars and saddles. Other than that there's not much that needs any work. The bike itself is in really good condition and looks like it has hardly been used. Looking forward to getting some miles in!